One of the biggest things in my recovery journey was learning to use H.A.L.T An acronym that stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. It’s a simple yet powerful tool to help you check in with yourself and avoid potential triggers.
There were so many times when I thought I needed a drink, but what I actually needed was to deal with one of these four things. Here’s how I used H.A.L.T. to stay on track:
Angry: When I was feeling irritated or upset, I realized drinking wouldn’t solve it, it would just delay it. Instead, I learned to step away, breathe, or talk it out with someone I trusted.
Lonely: Isolation is tough in recovery. I made a habit of reaching out to friends or attending a support group when I felt disconnected. I also talked to many of you on here. Even a quick chat could remind me I wasn’t alone.
Tired: Exhaustion was a big trigger for me. When I felt worn down, I gave myself permission to rest, nap, or just slow down. Self-care became non-negotiable.
Next time you feel a craving coming on, stop and ask yourself:
- Am I hungry?
- Am I angry?
- Am I lonely?
- Am I tired?
Identifying and addressing what you really need can make all the difference. It’s about replacing autopilot reactions with mindful choices and giving yourself grace in the process.
Recovery isn’t about being perfect; it’s about finding what works for you, one moment at a time. H.A.L.T. is just one tool, but for me, it’s been a powerful one.
Have a great evening and stay well my friends, I love ya
Matt x