Kirsty's story
Kirsty's story...1st pic 2016 using alcohol to cope with life!
Unable to process the grief of loosing both parents within a year, working full time, and convinced I did not have a problem!
I would go to work, stop on the way home and buy vodka, drink until I passed out ( and repeat) this behaviour continued until, my blood was not clotting.
21st January 2022 I had my first day sober, with help and support I learned how to deal with my emotions, plan for the future and I started gradually to enjoy living.
Best decision I every made. Now 3 years sober and loving every minute of my life,Both pics from a works party, what a difference sobriety makes x
Let's show Kirsty some love folks, she has done incredibly well and what a transformation!
If you would like to share your recovery story please get in touch! You could inspire someone to take that step! You could save a life!